Literature Anthology · Once Upon A Wicked Tale Series · Short Stories · Stories

Once Upon A Wicked Tale– A Series of Short Stories

I enjoy fantasy. I love reading about fairy tales especially when they are different than what we were told as a child. Therefore, I decided to start a new series of short stories which will re-tell all the classic fairy tells as you know them with a wicked twist. Please comment below your thoughts. All comments are welcomed. Is this something you want to see more off? Do you think I need to improve on the story?

Once Upon A Wicked Time Series


Once Upon A Wicked Tale– A Series of Short Stories

Forget every fairy tale you thought you ever knew. Imagine a world where Heroes and Villains were a different breed, were true love wasn’t quite what it seemed, and everyone lived wickedly ever after. In our wicked fairy tales every story is filled with black magic, mischievous, and a wicked sense of true love. Once Upon a Wicked Tale re- tells all of your favorite fairy tales with a wicked twist. Welcome to our wicked world.





“Cindrella dressed in black conjured up a spell and stole her prince and they lived wickedly ever after.”


Once upon a wicked time in a far far away land their lived a unbecoming and wicked girl named Cinderella. She had two beautiful step sisters who were mean and made her do all the hard work. She had to do all of the cleaning and cooking and wore rags while her sisters wore pretty dresses and went to parties.

One day an invitation came to Cindrella’s house from the royal palace. The King’s only son who was the most handsomest man in all of the realm was going to have a grand ball. Every female of age in the household was invited to come. Cinderella knew that she would never be allowed to go. So she came up with a wicked plan.

When the day of the ball came, Cinderella’s step sisters made such a fuss. She ran back and forth and up and down the stairs helping to prepare them for the ball. She fixed their hair, put on their jewels, and helped them into their fancy dresses. All the while silently cursing them. Her curse made them appear ugly to the prince and revealed the true nature that lived within them.

When they were gone, Cindrella sat down by the fire and pondered how she could attend the ball unnoticed. After much thought, she went to the garden and plucked a large pumpkin and then gathered six mice from the pantry. She then closed her eyes, chanted a few words and opened them again. Before her stood a beautiful iron carriage, a driver, a doorman, and four black horses. Cinderella took one look at her rags and waved her hand chanting again. Her rags were now a beautiful black ball gown lined with sparkling jewels and on her feet were a pair of pretty glass slippers. Cinderella knew that magic was only temporary and that at midnight everything would be as it was before.

When Cinderella arrived at the ball, She cast a spell making her appear as the most beautiful person there and everyone wondered who she was even her step sisters. The prince of course noticed her and asked her to dance. They danced together all night long and neither would dance with anyone else. Cinderella was having a wicked of a time and soon lost track. It was almost midnight before she knew it. The clock begin to strike as she hurried out of the ballroom and down the palace steps leaving one of her glass slippers on the way. As she approached the carriage it turned back into a pumpkin and the mice scurried away. Since it was midnight and magic wouldn’t work Cindrella had to walk home. She set down by the fire just as her step sisters were walking in the door.

When Cindrella ran from the palace the prince tried to follow her and noticed the slipper on the steps. He looked around and only saw a poor peasant girl walking down the street. He vowed he was going to marry the beautiful women whose foot would fit  the shoe and only her. In the morning, The prince went from door to door trying the shoe on every lady in every house. Every lady squeezed her foot trying to make it fit into the slipper but, it didn’t fit anyone.

Cindrella watched as the Prince went from door to door cursing the shoe so that anyone who tried to trick the prince would pay a price. Finally, the prince made it to Cinderella’s house and each of the step sisters tried to make the shoe fit. The first sister’s foot was too long so she cut her toes off so that the shoe would fit. She immediately turned into a frog. The second sister tried convinced that it would fit. When it didn’t because her foot was to wide she cut the side of her foot off and the shoe slipped on perfectly. Unlike her sister before, she turned into a pig. The prince looked down at the shoe in his hand in confusing. He was convinced that he had tried everyone in the kingdom.

Cindrella appeared before the Prince in her rags as he was about to leave. The Prince pondered if it was possible that this uncommonly peasant before him could really be the beautiful lady he had meet at the ball. Cindrella saw the question on his face and lightly waved her hand. Once again, she was dressed in the beautiful black dress and sparkling jewelry, and on her left foot was the other matching glass slipper. The Prince was in awe and immediately asked Cinderella to marry him carrying her away on his horse.

At last, there was a wicked wonderful wedding and everyone in the Kingdom came minus the two step sister who in their present condition were not presentable.  There was wonderful food, marvelous music, and lots of dancing. The Prince danced with his new bride until their feet fell off. Cindrella smiled, who said you needed true love and they lived wickedly ever after. The end!

(C) Carolyn Smith, 2017 Barely Organized



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